Tag Archives: dylan roof

Your Opinion Does Not Matter – Part 1

Your Opinion Does Not Matter –

Ever thought that while looking at some left wing moron, or some carpetbagger, as they scream about how offended they are? You know you have – admit it..

But here is the scary concept… What if your opinion does not matter? What if it is all something that you really have no control over, despite the Constitution – (which is being ignored) and your basic human rights?

As I look at everything that has gone in the last year – from the Federally planned and executed murder of 9 innocent people in Charleston South Carolina, to the most recent acts of amazing stupidity played out in the US Military, it is becoming more and more apparent, that we indeed are nothing more than pawns – masses – and androgynous lump of flesh that exists to pay taxes to the better class of humanity – GOVERNMENT.

Right now you are picturing me in an underground bunker, wearing a tin-foil hat.. Probably even are trying to resist the urge to navigate away from this article.. However let me contend that this all may in fact be true – and let me suggest to you why. Join me in a series of articles outlining some things that I feel as important to the survival of our culture, our future and our children. I am not sure how many this will be, but I will get through all of them, as quickly, and simply as I possibly can.

The first incident, (although I could go further back, this is the most striking – as it is the result of something not used as frequently by our betters) is the assassination of 9 innocent people at Emmanuel A.M.E Church in Charleston SC. Who was Dylan Roof? I contend he was a brainwashed – and trained assassin. Notice how he, an absolute nobody – someone who was not known for racism or tirades, nor any form of White Supremacist associations, suddenly decided to grab a gun, mysteriously travel to a place where he had NEVER been, did not know anyone there, and execute a perfectly described hate crime. Then, notice the nicely planned single photo of the dirt-bag with a Confederate flag.. How convenient – not to mention that he was found, simply a few miles away, just hanging out on the side of the road – waiting… Waiting for what? His capture.. No attempts to kill more of the people he supposedly hated, nor any attempt to hide the weapon or himself.

What followed the murders, was an all-out assault on all things Confederate.. Flags, memorials, Southerners, it didn’t matter.. Everything was racist, hateful, evil!! No one cared about the true history of the Confederacy – it’s fight for limited federal tyranny, state sovereignty, and individual liberty.. No one looked at its black, Native American, or Jewish soldiers, all they saw was Swastikas (Odd seeing as Hitler came almost a hundred years later – and with IMMENSELY different views than those of our forefathers) and slaves.. That was the narrative.. Couple that with the bogus Black Live Matters garbage, and what you now have is a climate in this dictatorship, where people are not able to speak their mind, protect their culture, or be proud of themselves, (unless of course they are black, hispanic, gay, Muslim, or gay) without fear of violence being rendered unto them.

The reason this happened – is because the government in power – the Feds, cannot allow the States to be strong – the people to be strong – and be able to push forth its ungodly, anti-American, and Anti-Constitutional plans. How could the people, (who might I add, VOTED to leave the Union once, and FOUGHT for their own independence) have the power to stop the overlords? It is an impossibility to say that the masses, have any say in what is best for them. God-Government knows best – after all, they went to college.

It is a scary thought, to know that we have such a corrupt system – however we were warned about this after the war for Southern Independence was lost – that this would not go away.. It hasn’t.

Next article – we will discuss the assault on Christianity, and moral decay – which is sure to get the Social Justice Warriors all fired up and triggered quite nicely.